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Our undergraduate applicants gained admission

to these dream colleges:


Stanford, UC Berkeley, Columbia, UCLA, Yale, Duke, UPenn, UPenn Wharton, Caltech, Northwestern, RICE, CMU, Parsons, Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown, U-Chicago, USC, NYU, NYU Stern, Georgetown, UC Davis, Wash-U, UIUC, U-Mich Georgia Tech, Wellesley, Swarthmore, SAIC, Purdue, UW-Madison, Santa Clara, Boston, Emory, George Washington, Harvey Mudd, Northeastern, UTAustin, Claremont McKenna, Pomona, and Babson, with more confirmations still to come.



Cambridge, Imperial, Kings College, LSE, Oxford, St. Andrew’s, Saint Martin’s, UCL, Warwick and more coming in. 

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Our postgraduate contenders advanced to their target colleges for Masters and PhD programs

in engineering, genetic engineering, strategy management, marketing, education, psychology, economics and more.

BostonU, CMU, Columbia, Haas UC Berkeley, Kellogg, NYU Stern, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UChicago, UCLA, UPenn, Yale and counting.

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Our MBA aspirants secured valued places at: 


CBS, Haas UC Berkeley, HBS, Insead, ISB, Kellog, LBS, MIT Sloan, NYU Stern, Stanford GSB, Wharton,  the Yale School of Management, among others still rolling in.

May you lead and shine on your newly chosen paths, and all your onward journeys be amazing adventures!

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