Delighted to hear you're all doing so well!
Our star undergraduate student...
from Mumbai with his magnificent victories:
Princeton, CMU, Rice, Columbia,
UPenn, UIUC, Northwestern,
Georgia Tech and UCB!
Our star undergraduate student...
from Baroda with her historic wins:
Caltech, Stanford, Princeton, Columbia!
Our 5 Star MBA applicants...
who gained admission to their dream colleges:
3 to Harvard Business School
2 to MIT Sloan
You've started on an amazing journey!
All our undergraduate applicants...
who gained admission to their dream colleges: Stanford, Columbia (seven), Princeton, Brown, UPenn, Wharton, Cornell, UC's, CMU, Dartmouth, Caltech, NYU, NYU Stern, Tufts, Rice, LSE, Northwestern, Washington Seattle, Emory, Virginia Tech, Berkeley, Penn State, Georgia Tech, Pomona, Swathmore, Northeastern, Vanderbilt, Wellesley, Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial (UK), St. George (Medicine) and more!
All the graduate applicants...
who won admission to their dream graduate programmes at HBS, Harvard School of Education, CBS, Wharton, Stanford GSB, Kings, Oxford, Cambridge, UCLA (MS in Engineering), CMU (MS in Engineering), Imperial (UK) and many more!
May your road ahead
always be paved with such
incredibly bright choices!
We are so very proud of you all!